
8 posts

2022 in Review: What I Watched

In 2022 I watched a total of 171 movies. 142 of them were first-time watches, of which 75 were new releases for the year. I only watched the same movie more than once on two occasions, and both of them are on the list below which reflects my 10 favorite movies of the year. I struggled a bit to put this list together because despite a handful of sure-fire hits in my opinion, there was not a wealth of movies I really, truly enjoyed. I’m sure as the years go on, I will nonetheless find the movies that slipped through […]Read more »

2022 in Review: What I Read

In 2022, I sought out to read 20 books by the end of the year. By the end of May I had realized that I had set an unrealistic goal for myself and instead upped the goal to 52, or averaging one book a week. The challenge I set for myself, as well as every book I read this year can be found on my goodreads profile, here. I consumed mostly audiobooks for the first half of the year until I received a Kindle Paperwhite for my birthday, when I started to balance audiobooks with actual eyeball reading fifty-fifty. The […]Read more »

2022 in Review: What I Played

ARK NOVA A sprawling simulator-type game in which you manage pretty much everything involved with running a zoo. So much of this game I’ve never seen implemented in another game before. The action selection mechanic has you assigning actions to power spaces increasing from 1 to 5, from left to right. As you use an action at a specific power level, it is shifted back to the start of the line, making room for every other choice to shift up, rewarding the player for diversifying the actions they take. Also, the game has two score tracks, one moving clockwise and […]Read more »

100 Movies Bucket List: Part III

On this installment of my 100 Movies Bucket List Challenge, I watched a handful of films that were evenly split between those I had never seen and some that were re-visits for me. For the most part, nothing in this batch really stood out to me as being particularly awful, but a couple whose reputations preceded them certainly fell a bit short of expectations. Surprisingly all of the films that were re-watches more or less held up for me or exceeded my initial impressions. This list includes films watched between the beginning of March and halfway through April, bringing the […]Read more »

100 Movies Bucket List: Part II

Our second month of attempting to tackle the 100 (more or less) films on my 100 Movies Bucket List poster yielded some pretty high highs and some very low lows. Specifically, this batch contains both the first perfect five-out-of-five and the lowest score I am willing to give to a movie. Just over half of the movies were new watches for me, while four of them I had seen before, despite not having very memorable thoughts about them. As of the end of February, 18 movies have been checked off the list. Click here to see the Letterboxd list of […]Read more »