
8 posts

Top 10 Films of 2020

At the risk of putting a repeater on everyone else in the entire world’s thoughts, 2020 was not a good year. At the beginning of the year, I tasked myself with seeing at least 50 movies in theaters. I was well on track to surpass my goal for the year when I had already seen 13 movies on-screen by mid-March. Unfortunately the nationwide lockdown quashed all hopes of me keeping my New Year’s resolution to myself, but I still managed to sneak off to see Tenet in September when the theaters reopened for one last death rattle. Don’t worry, the […]Read more »

My Favorite Movies of 2017

In 2017 I saw 76 movies in theaters, more than I have ever done in a whole year. While there were a ton of films that I enjoyed this year, I find only a handful will stick with me into the new year. In lieu of my typical top 10 year-end list, I instead opted this year to highlight my five favorite movies from this year, listed in no particular order. Beyond that I have listed 18 more films on which I can put my stamp of approval.